Saturday, October 17, 2015

Reflection on Project 2 Draft

I peer reviewed Mika and Jayni's rhetorical analysis essay drafts.

Rodriguez Martin, David "Reflections"

1. Do you have an identifiable thesis? Does it point to the specific rhetorical strategies you analyze in your essay, or are you merely using vague terms like ethos, pathos, and logos?

My thesis is easily identifiable and recognizes specific rhetorical strategies to analyze.

2. How have you decided to organize your essay? Does each paragraph have a central point that is supported with evidence from the text and in-depth analysis?

Each body paragraph has a central point with at least two textual examples that I have analyzed. The body paragraphs start with a topic sentence, end with a transition, and have contextual information weaved into the textual evidence and analysis.
3. Did you clearly identify and analyze several important elements of the text's rhetorical situation and/or structure?
Yes. In a paragraph about rhetorical situation, I analyzed the identity of the author, the context surrounding the creation of the text, and the message and purpose of the text. This paragraph probably needs more development.
4. Did you explain how and why certain rhetorical strategies were employed? Did you discuss what effects these strategies have on the intended audience and overall effectiveness of the text?
Yes. Although I was not really sure if I should discuss the effectiveness of the text for the perception of the audience or its overall effectiveness for an unbiased audience, so I included a bit of discussion about both.
5. Are you thoughtfully using evidence in each paragraph? Do you mention specific examples from the text and explain why they are relevant?
Yes. It would be useful to incorporate a wider variety of evidence from the text because most of the examples I used were from the same section in the text.
6. Do you leave your reader wanting more? Do you answer the "so what" question in your conclusion?
No. I think my conclusion is too focused on the example article. It should expand the concepts I discussed to create a more general idea of how rhetoric can be used effectively, and how rhetorical analysis can be helpful in aerospace engineering.

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